Living in China, Rachel and Tomas Stenback

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Names: Rachel and Tomas Stenback. Our daughter, Yaminah, was born in January, 2010.
Where are we:Currently we are living in Uppsala, Sweden. We spent two years in Chengxian, Gansu Province, and one year in Longzhou, Guangxi Province. (See map).
What did we do in China: We taught English to future English teachers at two teachers’ colleges
Why: By educating future teachers in English, we hope that they can help many Chinese students to improve their English and thereby increasing their chances of receiving further education.
Who sent us: We were sent by the Church of Sweden to work for the Chinese organization, Amity Foundation (learn more on our Links page)
Spare time: Since Yaminah’s birth we have spent most of our time with her! In our spare time we love to travel, especially around China. We also enjoy spending time with friends and family. Tomas loves playing soccer, and music. Rachel loves singing in choir, gardening, baking, and taking long walks. We both love reading and being in nature.

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