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Downtown Zhuhai

11 juli 2006


We went to downtown Zhuhai tonight again, and we tried to take some pictures to show a bit of what it looks like around here. I will try to send those.

Just a few thoughts as we are heading to bed, or rather, a few observations we have had since we have now been here 1.5 weeks!

Some things we really like or dislike about China so far, while we are still very much in the "adventure" stage:

--I love the small packages of tissues they sell in the stores. They are scented and very cheap!!! I plan on bringing tons of these home, but Tomas doesn't like them because he feels like he is blowing his nose in a flower!

--Juice or pop is very good here and very cheap! (I am drinking a bottle of peach drink right now, which was about 3 kronor). Not always easy to choose, however; today we also tried a Pineapple Juice which looked good on the can, but turned out to be "Pineapple Beer"

--We are really starting to like the different noodles as well. We have these in some form at most meals.

--We love the friendly people and all of the "action" as people gather and stroll around in the evenings and so on.

A few dislikes:

--Salespeople in the stores who are so service-oriented that they literally follow us around the entire time we shop, at about a one-foot distance. This will take getting used to.

--Waitresses that are also so service-oriented that they give us the menu, (which is most often only in Chinese!) and then stand there, poised with a pen and paper, to immediately write down our orders. I have tried to say that we need a minute, but then they feel bad for us or something because then they take the menu from us and start to talk about things in it! I am sure we will soon get used to this as well, and when we know more Chinese this should get better. They are just trying to be helpful we think.

TAke care and please keep in touch!

Oh! Our friend (my friend from choir), David, has now agreed to help us get a web page going! This will make things easy for us in the future,and to post more pics. and so on. We'll let you know when we have anything to report!

Rachel and Tomas

Street scene and man with cart

Rachel Zhuhai meal with flower

Palm trees and mcdonalds

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